Ana Cristina Botero


Full name: Ana Cristina Botero Cadavid
Place of birth: Medellin Colombia
Birthdate: March 10, 1968
Height: 1.60M
Agent/Manager: Manager Myriam Patricia


Ana Cristina Botero Cadavid is a Colombian actress born in the city of Medellín on March 10, 1968. Although her career has been mostly on television, she has also participated in film and theater.

La actuación ha estado presente en su vida desde siempre, ya que su padre fue el actor, libretista y director Jaime Botero Gómez, también es sobrina de la recordada actriz Dora Cadavid; sus hermanos María Cecilia Botero, Hilda Botero and Óscar Botero han forjado exitosas carreras en la actuación.

(Read Also: Biography of Consuelo Luzardo)

His debut on television was in the soap opera “Lejos del Nido” directed by his father and starring his Sister María Cecilia, then he participated for a time in theater and returned to television where he participated in many successful Colombian productions.

Ana Cristina estuvo casada con el presentador y empresario Jorge Barón, con quien tuvo un hijo, Santiago Botero, el cuál también participo en varias producciones nacionales.


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