Leyendas y Mitos colombianos

Encuentra aquí la mayor colección de leyendas y mitos de Colombia. Conoce las leyendas y mitos de cada ciudad, departamento y región de Colombia, así como los mitos y leyendas de las distintas culturas que componen este bello país que posee unas de las diversidades culturales más grandes del mundo.

Leyenda del salto del cabrón cerro de la popa Cartagena

Legend of the jump of the bastard and the Virgin of Candelaria in Cartagena

The legend of the goat's jump is a legend of Cartagena, which tells us the story of the origin of the Church and convent of Cerro de la Popa, where the image of the Virgin of Candelaria, patron saint of Cartagena de Indias, rests.
Los túneles de Bogotá leyenda urbana

Legend of the Bogotá tunnels

Los túneles de Bogotá son una de las leyendas urbanas que más resuenan en la capital de Colombia, se dice que en Bogotá existe toda una red de túneles subterráneos, que conectan varios de los lugares más emblemáticos de la ciudad.
El restaurante caníbal de la calera

“The cannibal restaurant of La Calera”, Bogotá legend

Among the myths and legends that circulate through the streets of Bogotá, there is one that still causes uncertainty due to the doubt of knowing if it really happened, it is the legend of the cannibal restaurant in La Calera.
Leyenda del Volcán dormido del Cerro de Monserrate

Legend of the dormant volcano of the Monserrate hill

A very popular urban legend in Bogotá says that the Monserrate hill is a sleeping volcano that one day will wake up and destroy all of Bogotá.
Leyendas del señor caído de Monserrate

Legends of the fallen lord of Monserrate

There are several legends surrounding the figure of the fallen lord of Monserrate, some claim that his hair grows or that he becomes heavier than normal.
Leyenda del burro parlanchín de Monserrate en Bogotá.

Legend of the talking donkey of Monserrate

A Bogotá legend says that there is a talking donkey on the slopes of the Monserrate hill, one of the most visited places by locals and tourists in the capital of Colombia.
Leyenda del Cerro de Monserrate, las parejas que suben juntas nunca se casan

Legend of the Monserrate hill: Couples who climb together separate

A legend about Monserrate Hill says that engaged couples who climb Monserrate Hill together never get married, separate or never end up together.
Leyenda del Anima Sola

Legend of Lonely Soul or Anima Sola

The anima sola is one of the most popular and well-known horrors in Latin America, it is about the lost soul of a woman who was condemned to purgatory for refusing to give water to Jesus Christ during the crucifixion.
La curupira Mito del Amazonas

Legend of the Curupira

The curupira is a mythological being that lives in the Amazon jungles of Brazil and Colombia. He is considered a guardian or protector of nature (plants, trees and animals).
Kaliawirinae o Kalivirnae-El árbol de la vida (mito sikuani)

Kaliawirinae, the myth of the food tree (Sikuani)

The Myth of Kaliawirinae or Kalivirnae the tree of life, is a story that is part of the mythology of the Guahíbos or Sikuani and tells the story of how fruits and foods were obtained and how they began to be cultivated.