Fish and Seafood

Conoce aquí las mejores recetas de Pescados y Mariscos of the gastronomía colombiana, recetas fáciles de preparar desde el hogar, dale un sabor colombiano a tus comidas con estos platos típicos de la cocina hogareña y gourmet de Colombia.

Crab backs o cangrejos rellenos receta colombiana

Crab Backs or stuffed crabs

Crab Backs or stuffed crabs are one of the most traditional gastronomic recipes of Caribbean cuisine, in Colombia one of the places where it is most traditionally prepared on the Islands of San Andrés, Providencia and Santa Catalina.
Muelas de cangrejo al ajillo, Receta colombiana

Crab molas with garlic

Garlic Crab Muelas are a very representative recipe of the Colombian Caribbean, in this recipe you will learn how to prepare it easily and quickly.
Corned Fish o Pescado en Conserva

Corned fish or Canned Fish

Corned fish or canned fish is a method of preserving fish that was born in the Caribbean areas at a time when refrigeration did not exist.
Palometa frita

Fried Pomfret

Fried palometa is one of the most popular fish of the eastern plains, which is why it has become a flagship element of the gastronomy of the plains; although due to its exquisite flavor it has transcended Colombian national gastronomy.
Receta de Cachama Frita

Cachama or fried Gamitana

Fried Cachama is a typical dish that is very popular throughout Latin America, it is especially popular in the Orinoquia and Amazonia, here is a step by step guide on how to prepare this simple recipe.
Receta sencilla de Cachama sudada

Sweaty Cachama

Cachama or gamitana is a freshwater fish widely consumed in the region of the eastern plains (Orinoquia) and the Colombian Amazon. Its preparations range from sweated, fried to roasted.
Pescado Moqueado, Moquiado o muguiado

Moquiao or Muguiado Fish

El Pescado Moquiao, moquiado, moqueado o muguiado es una receta o forma de cocinar heredada de las comunidades indígenas de los llanos orientales de Colombia y Venezuela.
Palometa al Horno receta

Baked Pomfret

La Palometa al horno es una de las preparaciones a base de pescado más populares de los llanos orientales; La palometa, es un pescado semigraso muy saludable; Aporta a nuestro organismo diferentes vitaminas y minerales y destaca, además, por su alto contenido en proteínas.