Soups, Broths and Creams

Conoce aquí las mejores recetas de Sopas, Caldos y Cremas of the gastronomía colombiana, recetas fáciles de preparar desde el hogar, dale un sabor colombiano a tus comidas con estos platos típicos de la cocina hogareña y gourmet de Colombia.

Sancocho Vallenato

Sancocho vallenato

Sancocho vallenato, is the vallenato dish par excellence, this sancocho made from beef ribs has become one of the most popular dishes to consume after a vallenato party; Learn in this simple recipe how to prepare sancocho vallenato quickly and easily.
Receta de sancocho trifásico

Three-phase sancocho

The triphasic Sancocho is one of the most popular dishes of the Colombian Caribbean, its name comes from the use of three different meats (beef, pork and chicken) for its preparation; Learn in this simple recipe how to prepare triphasic sancocho quickly and easily.
Rondón o rundown receta colombiana.

Rondón (Rundown)

Rondón is a characteristic dish of Caribbean gastronomy, in Colombia this dish is one of the examples of the traditional cuisine of San Andrés and Providencia, it is a dish that combines ingredients from the sea and the land.
Sopa de cangrejo-crab soup

Crab soup

This recipe for Crab Soup is one of the most traditional gastronomic samples of Colombian Caribbean cuisine, more specifically from the Department of San Andrés and Providencia.
changua cerrera receta colombiana

Changua Cerrera

Changua Cerrera is a broth popularly consumed in various parts of Colombia, especially in the interior of the country; The eastern plains version of this broth does not have milk as the changua from the interior of the country does.
Hervido de gumarra receta colombiana

Gumarra boiled

The Hervido de Gumarra is a sancocho (soup) similar to that of depressed Creole chicken, but with a very plains flavor, it is one of the most appreciated soups in the eastern plains. Learn here how to make Boiled Gumarra quickly and easily.
Caldo de Curito receta colombiana

Curito broth

El Caldo de Curito es uno de los platos típicos mas populares de la gastronomía de los llanos orientales. El Curito es un pez característico de los llanos orientales, famoso por su sabor y por la carencia de espinas en su cuerpo. Aprende en esta sencilla receta como hacer Caldo de Curito de forma rápida y sencilla.