Symbols of Santa Cruz de Mompox – Bolívar

simbolos de mompox bolivar
Symbols of Mompox, Bolívar - Colombia.

The Mompox symbols are:

Mompox flag:

The red color represents the blood shed by the Momposino heroes and the white cross represents the Momposino religiosity inherited from Spain. The flag of Mompox was taken after the flag of Switzerland, as it is a neutral country par excellence in international conflicts.

Mompox coat of arms:

It was granted by the King of Spain to Mompox in the year 1561. The Coat of Arms is rectangular in shape with an angle in the lower middle part and divided into three vertical quarters (two upper ones). On the right hand, in Campo de Oro, a Latin saber cross, a sign of the faith of our elders and a powerful sign under whose protection the Villa lived; and in the sinister, Campo de Oro also, a sinoble palm tree, emblem of the earth; In the lower quarter, all in blue, which resembles the waters of the river, floats a champagne, a symbol of navigation, of which Mompox was the owner and mistress of this, the most important means of communication and commerce of the entire colony.

To the right of the shield is justice, in the form of a beautiful woman, in Roman dress with the ordinary attributes of the goddess; the sword in the right hand and the scales in the other. On the opposite side is Prudence, represented by a noble matron, with a snake coiled around her left arm and holding a lighted lamp in her right hand, which she rests on the head of the shield. And at her feet, lying, a white dog, a symbol of fidelity.

Mompox Anthem:

It is authored by Manuel Isaac Ribón Morón.

Lyrics of the Anthem of Mompox, Bolívar

Praise to the noble people who proudly dared the first, 
From the glorious sixth of August to the splendid sun. 
Of independence or death launch the fierce cry, 
the defiant viciousness of the Spanish despot. 
Without a country, without rights, degraded slaves, 
three centuries of ignominy and bitter humiliation, 
our fathers lived tied to the infamous yoke, 
defenseless enduring the barbaric oppression. 
Mompox La Valerosa, a sublime example 
of intrepid heroism, of manly virtue, 
breaking the heavy bond that oppresses her, 
death defying horrible slavery. 
Mompox of independence the lábaro raises, 
and around him he sees his brave sons fighting, 
His blood pours into the seas the Spanish anger, 
but they have sworn to be free or die. 
To the faithful oath burning in sacred flame, 
They throw themselves into Bolívar's combat in pursuit, 
and victorious the grateful hero exclaims: 
“Caracas gave me a cradle; “Mompox gave me glory” 

Tenacious, bloody and long was that raw fight, 
that the dumbfounded universe admired, 
but holy justice shields the free, 
of triumph the crowns to the oppressed he gave 
Colombia, the war daughter of victory, 
be displayed before the world with noble majesty, 
the excited world contemplates his high glory 
and worthy of the proclamation of peace and freedom.

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