Jugo de Curuba receta colombiana

Curuba Juice or Curuba Sorbet

El Jugo de Curuba o sorbete de Curuba es una refrescante bebida hecha a base de una fruta conocida como “Curuba” la cual es muy reconocida por brindar muchos beneficios al cuerpo entre ellos ayuda a combatir el estrés y la ansiedad.
Refajo submarino receta colombiana

Submarine Shelter

El Refajo submarino es una variación del refajo tradicional, suele prepararse principalmente en la zona de los Santanderes, la más grande diferencia es que se suele añadir aguardiente a la bebida. Aprende en esta sencilla receta como preparar el refajo submarino de forma fácil y rápida.
Refajo carabina receta colombiana

Carbine holster

El refajo carabina es una variante del refajo tradicional, se suele preparar principalmente en los Santanderes, la diferencia primordial es que se prepara con guarapo y que se suele servir en totuma. Aprende en esta sencilla receta como preparar el refajo carabina de forma fácil y rápida.
Refajo receta colombiana

Refajo Colombiano

Refajo is a very popular drink in the Andean area of Colombia, it is a very simple recipe, based on beer and soda. Learn in this simple recipe how to prepare the refajo easily and quickly.
Avena caleña receta colombiana

Avena colombiana

La avena colombiana es una rica bebida fría hecha a base de hojuelas de avena, es una bebida muy popular en varias ciudades de Colombia, aprende en esta sencilla receta como preparar la avena caleña de forma fácil y rápida.
Lulada receta colombiana


Lulada is a delicious drink made from lulo or naranjilla, it is very popular in regions such as the Cauca Valley in Colombia. Learn in this simple recipe how to prepare lulada quickly and easily.
Jugo de Níspero receta colombiana

Medlar Juice

Loquat juice is a delicious drink consumed in many Latin American countries, especially in the Caribbean areas. Learn in this simple recipe how to prepare loquat juice with either milk or water quickly and easily.
Jugo de Zapote receta colombiana

Sapote Juice

Zapote juice is a very popular drink in the Colombian Caribbean, especially in Cartagena de Indias. It is one of the most delicious and refreshing drinks that can be found in the Caribbean. Learn in this simple recipe how to prepare Zapote juice. easy and fast way.
Vino de corozo receta colombiana

Corozo Wine

Corozo Wine is a very popular drink in areas of Colombia such as Mompox and other areas of the Colombian Caribbean. Here you will learn how to prepare corozo wine step by step and quickly and easily.
Jugo de corozo receta colombiana

corozo juice

Corozo juice is one of the most popular drinks on the Colombian Caribbean coast, although it is consumed in other regions of the country, it is on the coast where it is prepared the most. It has a very exotic flavor that always surprises. Learn in this simple recipe how to prepare corozo juice quickly and easily.