Arroz de Lisa colombia

Mullet rice

Lisa Rice is one of the most popular gastronomic samples of the Atlantic department, especially the city of Barranquilla, Colombia; It is made from lebranche (smooth). Here you will learn how to prepare Smooth Rice step by step and quickly and easily.
Arroz con chipi chipi

Rice with chipi-chipi

El Arroz con chipi-chipi es un plato hecho a base de chipi-chipis (una especie de molusco que tiene presencia en muchas playas latinoamericanas). Aquí aprenderás a preparar el Arroz de chipi-chipi paso a paso y de forma rápida y sencilla.
Arroz con frijol morado guajiro

Rice with purple guajiro beans (kapeshuna)

En esta ocasión te traemos una rápida y sencilla receta de cómo preparar Arroz con fríjol morado guajiro (kapeshuna).
Receta de Arroz con camarones secos

Rice with dried shrimp

Rice with dried shrimp is a delicious recipe that is very popular on the Colombian Atlantic coast. In this simple recipe you will learn how to prepare it quickly and step by step.
Arroz en leche de coco receta colombiana

Rice in coconut milk

Rice in coconut milk is undoubtedly the most essential accompaniment to many traditional recipes from the Colombian Caribbean, this simple recipe teaches you how to prepare it.
arroz llanero receta

Llanero Rice

Llanero Rice is one of the favorite foods of the Orinoquia or the Eastern Llanos; Its special ingredient is beef tail. Learn a simple recipe on how to make Arroz Llanero quickly and easily.
palo a pique llanero receta

Stick to sinking

Palo a Pique is a delicious dish characteristic of the eastern plains, it can be enjoyed at any time of the day. It is a dish that, thanks to its ingredients, generates a good amount of energy. Learn in this simple recipe how to make Palo a pique quickly and easily.