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Bocas del rio meta, Puerto Carreño - Vichada

Mouths of the Meta River in Puerto Carreño – Vichada

The mouths of the Meta River or the “Freshwater Sea” as this place in Vichada is also known, is the confluence of the Meta River with the Orinoco River.
Pesca deportiva en Vichada

Sport fishing in Vichada – Colombia

Sport fishing in the Vichada is one of the greatest tourist attractions in the department due to the water wealth it has, the Vichada is bathed by the Bita, Meta, Orinoco, Tomo, Juriepe, Vichada, Teracay rivers; among other rivers, pipes, lakes and lagoons.
delfines rosados o toninas en Colombia

Sighting of pink dolphins (Toninas) in rivers and lakes of Colombia

The observation or sighting of pink dolphins is one of the most popular tourist activities in the eastern plains and the Colombian Amazon. These river dolphins represent a very attractive spectacle for nature lovers.
Gran Selva de Matavén, Cumaribo vichada

Great Matavén Forest of Cumaribo – Vichada

The Great Matavén Forest is located near Cumaribo, municipality of Vichada; It has more than 2 million hectares. Dedicated to the conservation of the fauna, flora and aboriginal cultures represented in the indigenous reservations that coexist there.
Finca el Tesoro de Puerto Carreño Vichada

Finca El Tesoro de Puerto Carreño – Vichada

Finca el Tesoro is an Agrotourism Farm located in Puerto Carreño, Capital of Vichada; a small private natural reservoir, made up of more than 300 hectares. of ecological and agrotourism settings.
Finca Agroturística Florez Rojas de Puerto Carreño

Flórez Rojas Agrotourism Farm in Puerto Carreño – Vichada

The Flórez Rojas Agrotourism Farm is located five minutes from Puerto Carreño, capital of Vichada, it is an agrotourism complex that stands out for combining agroindustrial activity with tourism.
Laguna de la Primavera, Vichada

Spring Lagoon – Vichada

La Laguna de la Primavera is the most important water resource of this Vichadense municipality, becoming an essential part not only of the environment that surrounds them but also of their cultural identity, as this is the place where this population began.
Malecón turístico de Santa Rosalía, departamento del Vichada

Municipal boardwalk of Santa Rosalía – Vichada

The municipal Malecón of Santa Rosalía is a 1900 m2 public space of green areas, facing the imposing Meta River. In 2020 it was renovated in order to improve its infrastructure for the municipality's nascent tourism.
Puente de Pasoganado o pasogano, Puerto Carreño, Vichada

Pasoganado Bridge of Puerto Carreño – Vichada

The Pasoganado Bridge is located 30km from Puerto Carreño, capital of Vichada, this bridge crosses the Bita River, making it possible since its inauguration in 2009 to transport people, livestock and cargo more easily to towns like Casuarito and from there to Venezuela.
Busto a Francisco de Paula Santander - Puerto Carreño - vichada

Santander Park in Puerto Carreño – Vichada

The Santander Park in Puerto Carreño is located in the heart of the municipality, it is the main park of the capital of Vichada, as well as the largest urban park in it.