Lomas de Casuarito: Hills, Pictograms and Petroglyphs in Vichada

Cerro de Cazuarito en lomas de casuarito en vichada, colombia
Cerro de Cazuarito in Lomas de Casuarito in Vichada.

The Casuarito or Cazuarito hills are a series of hills from the Precambrian era; which are found in the district of Cazuarito de Puerto Carreño; Vichada; These hills have a variety of natural and cultural characteristics that attract hundreds of tourists every year.

“Las Lomas” are composed of: Cerro de Cazuarito, Cerro San Roque, Cerro de la Luna, Cerro de Ajonjolí and Cerro el Loro; as the most notable in the place.

What activities can be done in the Lomas de Cazuarito?

Among the activities that can be carried out in the hills of the Casuarito district are bird watching, hiking, sighting and exploration of pictograms and petroglyphs, appreciation of indigenous culture, archaeological visits and exploration of fauna and flora.

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Some of the natural riches of the hills of the Casuarito hills are:

Casuarito Hill: It is located at 150 meters above sea level, and is the highest altitude, making it the best viewpoint to appreciate the natural beauty of the place.

The Cerro de San Roque: This hill has morichales and natural pools fed by the water wealth of this department.

Ajonjolí Hill: Of this hill, the water jets that run through the stones and form waterfalls that descend to the water tanks at the bottom stand out.

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El Cerro el Loro: It gets its name from the birds that inhabit the place. In addition, the white sand beaches stand out, including Macondo, Blanca and Colorada.

Pictograms and petroglyphs of Casuarito or Cazuarito

One of the greatest attractions that the Cazuarito hills have are the petroglyphs and pictograms of the ancient indigenous empires that governed the area. According to studies carried out by researchers and archaeologists, these are around 4,000 years old; They would have belonged to the Maypure, Pemon and Tumeremos indigenous cultures; and they are constituted within the largest petroglyphs in the world, some of them reach a size equal to the area of a professional soccer field, another characteristic that stands out is that they were made at high altitude, something that for the time in which it was made It turns out to be very interesting and mysterious.

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The pictograms that stand out the most are those of the casuarito hills, which are located in an old indigenous cemetery; These places also have samples of the ancestral indigenous culture; Objects such as pots, vases and vases found in the area are part of the cultural sample that can be observed in these natural settings.

These pictograms have similarities with some found in Venezuela and those of the Nazca in Peru; The locals of the place have the idea of superstition or mythology that these petroglyphs were made by ancient giants who inhabited the area and others attribute them to beings from space (aliens).

Where are the casuarito hills, pictograms and petroglyphs located?

The Cazuarito hills are in the Casuarito district, 90km from Puerto Carreño, Vichada; The most distinguishable pictograms and petroglyphs can be seen on the Cerro de Cazuarito near the Caño Cazuarito.

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