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Rodrigo d no futuro

Rodrigo D. No Future

Rodrigo is not yet twenty years old, he is in a window on the top floor of a central building in the city of Medellín. He is going to jump on that city that oppresses him, calls him, marginalizes him.
Kuisi o Gaita Colombiana

Kuisi or Colombian Bagpipe

El Kuisi o Gaita Colombiana es un instrumento musical típico del folclor colombiano tiene sus orígenes en las etnias indígenas koguis y los Arhuacos de la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, es utilizado en diferentes ritmos musicales que están englobados en la denominada "Música de gaita", entre los que podemos encontrar el porro, la cumbia, el merengue, la puya, la gaita instrumental, etc.
Unesco patrimonio cultural inmaterial de la humanidad saberes de indígenas de Sierra Nevada

UNESCO declares the knowledge of indigenous people of the Sierra to be intangible cultural heritage of humanity...

La Unesco reconoció este martes como patrimonio cultural inmaterial de la humanidad al Sistema de Conocimiento Ancestral de los cuatro pueblos indígenas de la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta: Kogui, Wiwa, Arhuaco y Kankuamo.
Roberto Ortiz Maciá, Película animada colombiana (Paladín)

Interview: Roberto Ortiz Maciá and the creation of the first animated film on the coast...

Roberto Ortiz Maciá, un cartagenero que se propuso crear el primer film (Película) animado hecho en la costa caribe colombiana, hazaña que logro con mucho esfuerzo, dedicación y el apoyo de sus allegados.

Song in the Soul

A young orphan has been abandoned by his selfish uncles to be raised by his grandfather. His loving grandfather, a music composer, encourages him to be a singer.
Nicolas Batle y Maria Fernanda Cespedes

Colombia and Argentina assume the presidency of IBERMEDIA, the film aid program...

Colombia and Argentina assume the presidency of Ibermedia, replacing the director of the National Institute of Cinema and Audiovisual Arts – ICAA of Spain, Beatriz Navas.
Mi gente linda, mi gente bella

My pretty people, my beautiful people

While abroad Colombians are the outcasts, in Colombia foreigners are the kings. And Vigo, a Swede who arrives in Colombia, will not be the exception: he will be received like a prodigal son.
Alejandra Borrero premio victor nieto

Alejandra Borrero, honored with the Víctor Nieto Award for Lifetime Achievement, at the...

The tireless struggle in the art of the actress, cultural manager and social activist, Alejandra Borrero, has led her through a career of more...
Alborada Carmesí

Crimson Dawn

Three friends, actresses of various nationalities (Colombia, Venezuela and Cuba), who met while recording a soap opera, meet on vacation at the farm of one of them in Casanare, along with 10 other people.
CJ Torres Escritor Cartagenero

Interview: Discovering the literary world of the writer CJ Torres

Cristian José Torres Cassiani, better known as CJ Torres, is a writer from Cartagena; Some of his notable works are Mariana's World, 7 Headless Tentacles, Ethan West: The Fall of the Crown by Henrietta Stanley.