Símbolos de Medellín.

Símbolos de Medellín, Antioquia (Colombia)

Estos son los Símbolos de Medellín, que representan a la capital de Antioquia, en los diversos eventos oficiales en los que participa, así como en el campo socio-cultural de la ciudad, estos símbolos son parte de la identidad colectiva que comparten los medellinenses:
Símbolos del departamento de Bolívar

Symbols of the Department of Bolívar

Flag of the Department of Bolívar: It is a tricolor pavilion with a horizontal layout. Yellow symbolizes wealth and abundance, which represents the historical value and economic support of the department. Green is a symbol of hope for the future.
símbolos de barranquilla

Símbolos de Barranquilla, Atlántico (Colombia)

Estos son los Símbolos oficiales y culturales que representan a Barranquilla, capital del Departamento del Atlántico, en los diversos eventos oficiales en los que participa, así como en el campo socio-cultural de la ciudad, estos símbolos son parte de la identidad colectiva que comparten los barranquilleros:
simbolos de mompox bolivar

Symbols of Santa Cruz de Mompox – Bolívar

Flag of Mompox The red color represents the blood shed by the Mompox heroes and the white cross represents the Mompox religiosity inherited from Spain. The flag of Mompox was taken after the flag of Switzerland, as it is a neutral country par excellence in international conflicts.
Símbolos de Maria la baja

Symbols of María la Baja – Bolívar

Symbols of María la Baja: Flag of María la Baja; Green is for our fields available and full for livestock, Yellow for our fertile lands for agriculture and White because it symbolizes the peace that we so seek for our municipality.
Símbolos de Arjona Bolivar

Symbols of Arjona – Bolívar

The official symbols of the Municipality of Arjona, Bolívar are: The flag of Arjona is divided into three stripes... The shield of Arjona is divided into four equal parts, with figures...
Símbolos de mahates, Bolívar

Symbols of Mahates – Bolívar

The Symbols of Mahates are, Shield of Mahates represents the Sun and Moon magnify the nights and... Flag of Mahates, the white color represents the Peace and tranquility of our Municipality...
Símbolos de Magangué

Symbols of Magangué – Bolívar

The Symbols of Magangué are... Flag of Magangué is composed of two rectangles of green and... Shield of Magangué is a shield with three quarters, two upper...
símbolos patrios y culturales de cartagena de indias

Symbols of Cartagena de Indias

The official and cultural Symbols that represent Cartagena de Indias in the various official events in which it participates, as well as in the...
símbolos patrios y culturales de Bogota Colombia

Symbols of Bogotá (Colombia)

These are the patriotic and cultural symbols that represent Bogotá, capital of Colombia, in the various official events in which it participates, as well as in the socio-cultural field of the city. These symbols are part of the collective identity that Bogota residents share. :