Cerrero Coffee Recipe

Cerrero Coffee Recipe
Cerrero Coffee Recipe.
Cerrero Coffee Recipe

Cerrero Coffee Recipe

Café Cerrero is a very strong black coffee with no sugar, widely consumed in many regions of Colombia. In this simple recipe, you will learn how to quickly prepare a traditional Colombian Café Cerrero.
Tiempo de Preparación 15 minutes
Tiempo de Cocción 20 minutes
Tiempo Total 35 minutes
Categoria Bebidas, Coffee
Cocina Colombian cuisine
Porciones 2 people


  • 1 pound of coffee beans (processed but unroasted coffee beans)
  • 1 panela
  • 2 cups of water
  • 6 cloves
  • cinnamon sticks (to taste)

Preparación paso a paso

  • The first thing you do is roast the coffee beans in a large pan (a wide-based pan, which can be clay or metal), stirring with a wooden spoon until golden brown. To check if the coffee is properly roasted, bite into a bean—if it breaks with little pressure, it’s done. (The beans will reduce by 20% during roasting.)
  • Once the coffee is roasted, add 1 panela dissolved in water, which will produce a lot of smoke. At that moment, add the 6 cloves and the cinnamon sticks to taste. Immediately remove from heat and let cool.
  • Take the roasted and caramelized coffee beans, rub them between your hands until they are well coated, and grind them finely.
  • The resulting ground coffee is then stored in a jar to preserve its aroma.
  • To prepare the drink, add the ground coffee to boiling water, then strain the contents through a cloth filter. And that's it, you can enjoy this delicious coffee.

Datos Curiosos

  • In the Colombian plains, it is customary to start the day with a strong Café Cerrero.
  • “Café Cerrero” is named this way in honor of the hills or mountains.
  • The Colombian coffee bean is globally recognized as the best mild coffee.
  • In 2011, UNESCO inscribed the Coffee Cultural Landscape of Colombia on the World Heritage List due to its cultural significance to humanity.
Palabras Claves Cerrero Coffee, Colombian Coffee

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