Gastronomy of Vichada

gastronomía del Vichada
gastronomy of Vichada

The Gastronomy of Vichada It is influenced by the llanera culture, since it is part of the region of the eastern plains or the Colombian Orinoquia; It is a very varied gastronomy and widely enriched by an abundance of fauna, flora and ethnic diversity that the region enjoys.

At Vichada, gastronomy becomes a fascinating culinary journey that immerses us in a fusion of unique flavors and traditions rooted in the Colombian plains culture. Vichada's cuisine is inspired by the abundance of its natural environment, combining local ingredients with culinary techniques passed down from generation to generation. In this article, we will explore the authentic flavors and gastronomic delights that make this region a must-see destination for food lovers. From dishes celebrating beef and fresh fish to unique specialties that reflect the region's rich cultural heritage, we will discover how Vichada gastronomy is much more than just a meal; It is a link with its history, its people and its land. Get ready for a feast of flavors and traditions in the heart of Colombia!

Below we leave you a list of recipes for typical and popular dishes of the Vichada gastronomy:

Baked Chigüiro

MEATS / Baked Chigüiro is one of the specialties of the gastronomy of the eastern Colombian plains. Chigüiro Meat was legalized for consumption in Colombia in 2016, when buying it make sure it is from a farm and not wild. See full recipe here ↗

Palometa al horno gastronomía

Baked Pomfret

FISH / Baked Palometa is one of the most popular fish-based preparations from the eastern plains. Pomfret is a very healthy semi-fatty fish; It provides our body with different vitamins and minerals. See full recipe here ↗

mamona o ternera a la llanera

Mamona or Veal a la llanera

MEATS / La Mamona or Veal a la Llanera is one of the most important and popular gastronomic samples of the eastern plains and Colombia. Its preparation and consumption is a llanero tradition par excellence. See full recipe here ↗

Receta de Casabe de yuca


COMPANIONS / Casabe is one of the oldest traditional dishes in the Americas; It has its origin in the indigenous cultures of the American Caribbean. See full recipe here ↗

Chicha de Moriche

Moriche chicha

DRINKS / La Chica de Moriche is made from the fruits of the moriche palm, which is abundant in the Amazon and Orinoquia region. Moriche fruits have the highest Vitamin A content known for a fruit. See full recipe here ↗

Caldo de Curito gastronomía

Curito broth

SOUPS, BROTHS AND CREAMS / Curito is a characteristic fish of the eastern plains, famous for its flavor and the lack of bones in its body, it is a very typical dish of the eastern plains. Aphrodisiac qualities are attributed to curito broth, which is why its consumption is often linked to this fact. See full recipe here ↗

hallacas o hayacas-envueltos

Hallacas or Hayacas

WRAPPED / Hallaca or hayaca is a typical wrapped dish from Venezuela and Colombia, popularly prepared in the region of the eastern plains or Orinoquia, the Caribbean region and the North of Santander. It consists of a cake made with corn dough flavored with chicken broth and colored with onoto, filled with a stew of beef, pork and hen or chicken. See full recipe here ↗

Receta de mañoco


CEREALS / Mañoco can be considered something like a different way of presenting casabe, which is one of the oldest traditional dishes in the Americas. See full recipe here ↗

Coctel de aguardiente llanero con carambola

Brandy cocktail plainsman with carom

COCKTAILS AND LIQUORS / The Llanero brandy cocktail with star fruit is one of the most popular cocktails in the Orinoquia region or the eastern plains. It is made from Aguardiente Llanero, a liquor derived from sugar cane with an anise flavor and Carambola or star fruit. See full recipe here ↗

Dulce de merey llanero o marañón

Dulce de Merey llanero or Marañon

DESSERTS AND SWEETS / The Merey sweet is one of the most typical of Vichada, and of the eastern plains region. Its preparation is based on the fruit called Merey llanero or Marañón, a citrus, fleshy and juicy fruit; with a nut-like seed that can be consumed as a dried fruit. See full recipe here ↗

Dulce de Icaco o Hicaco

Sweet from Icaco or Hicaco

DESSERTS AND SWEETS / The sweet icacos or hicacos has a pulp with a soft and pleasant texture, inside it has a “nut” with a hazelnut and delicate flavor. This sweet is usually accompanied with cream cheese or pieces of soft white cheese. See full recipe here ↗

dulce de pomarrosa

Pomarroso Sweet

DESSERTS AND SWEETS / Pomarrosa sweet is very popular in departments such as Amazonas, Guaviare, Meta and Vichada. Rose apple is a fruit that when ripe has a sweet flavor with a very rich acidic touch that smells like roses. See full recipe here ↗

Dulce de Pata de Res

Sweet beef leg

DESSERTS AND SWEETS / The pata de res sweet is one of the traditional sweets of the eastern plains, made from the shank of the beef. This sweet has a large amount of collagen, which is why it is very good for the skin. See full recipe here ↗

palo a pique llanero

Stick to Pique

RICE / Palo a Pique is a delicious dish characteristic of the eastern plains, it can be enjoyed at any time of the day. It is a dish that, thanks to its ingredients, generates a good amount of energy. See full recipe here ↗

Receta de Palometa frita

QFried alometa

FISH / Fried palometa is one of the most popular fish in the eastern plains, which is why it has become a flagship element of the gastronomy of the plains. See full recipe here ↗

Receta de Cachama sudada

Sweaty Cachama

FISH / La Cachama or sudada gamitana is a typical dish of the plains regions, it enjoys great popularity during festivals and fairs as part of the gastronomic exhibition of the region. See full recipe here ↗

Cachama Frita

Cachama or fried Gamitana

FISH / Cachama or gamitana is a freshwater fish originally widely consumed in the eastern plains region. Thanks to its delicious flavor, it has become a very popular dish throughout the country. See full recipe here ↗

Pescado Moqueado o muguiado

Moquiao or Muguiado Fish

FISH / Moquiado, moqueado or muguiado fish is a recipe or way of cooking inherited from the indigenous communities of the eastern plains of Colombia and Venezuela. See full recipe here ↗


Changua Cerrera

SOUPS, BROTHS AND CREAMS / Changua Cerrera is a broth that is popularly consumed in various parts of Colombia, especially in the interior of the country; The eastern plains version of this broth does not have milk as the changua from the interior of the country does. See full recipe here ↗

arroz llanero gastronomía

Llanero Rice

SOUPS, BROTHS AND CREAMS / Changua Cerrera is a broth that is popularly consumed in various parts of Colombia, especially in the interior of the country; The eastern plains version of this broth does not have milk as the changua from the interior of the country does. See full recipe here ↗

hervido de gumarra

Gumarra boiled

SOUPS, BROTHS AND CREAMS / Changua Cerrera is a broth that is popularly consumed in various parts of Colombia, especially in the interior of the country; The eastern plains version of this broth does not have milk as the changua from the interior of the country does. See full recipe here ↗

aguardiente llanero

Llanero Brandy

COCKTAILS AND LIQUORS / Aguardiente Llanero is a liquor derived from sugar cane with anise flavor, produced in the eastern region of Colombia called “Orinoquía” or “Llanos Orientales”. See full recipe here ↗

jugo hecho de carambola

Carambola Juice

COCKTAILS AND LIQUORS / Carambola Juice is a drink that is very popular in Colombia and Latin America, due to its freshness and flavor. See full recipe here ↗

jugo de mango verde

Green Mango Juice

DRINKS / Green Mango Juice is very popular in Colombia and in many places in Latin America, especially for its great health benefits. See full recipe here ↗

chicha de arroz


DRINKS / Chicha de Arroz is a popular drink in the Caribbean and plains regions of Colombia; made from rice; It can be prepared with a water or milk base. See full recipe here ↗

café guarulo

Cafe Guarulo

DRINKS/COFFEES / It is a fairly watery coffee, flavored with cinnamon and sweetened with panela; This coffee is very typical of the eastern Colombian plains. See full recipe here ↗

café cerrero

Cafe Cerrero

DRINKS/COFFEES / Café Cerrero is a very black coffee without sugar; very popular consumption in many regions of Colombia. See full recipe here ↗

Dare to prepare some of these recipes and share your culinary experience with us!

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We look forward to seeing your culinary creations!

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