chontaduro juice

receta de Jugo de chontaduro
Chontaduro Juice Recipe
receta de Jugo de chontaduro

Chontaduro Juice Recipe

Chontaduro juice is a refreshing and delicious drink that stands out for its tropical flavor and nutritious properties. Chontaduro, also known as "pejibaye", is a fruit native to the tropical regions of Latin America. Learn here how to prepare chontaduro juice quickly and easily.
TOTAL TIME 1 hour 15 minutes
category Beverages, Juices
cuisine Colombian, Latin American
Portions 3 people

Utensilios y Equipos

  • Blender


  • 6 chontaduros
  • 2 cups milk
  • 5 tablespoons of sugar
  • Cinnamon to taste

Step by step preparation

  • The first thing to do is to cook the chontaduros for 1 hour in water.
  • After the hour has passed, remove them from the heat and proceed to peel them and extract the seeds, only the pulp should remain.
  • Then, in a blender, place the 2 cups of milk, the chontaduro pulp, the tablespoons of sugar and cinnamon to taste, then proceed to blend until you obtain that particular yellow color.
  • And that's it, you can proceed to serve it.

Interesting Facts

  • You can also prepare this recipe with water and sugar instead of milk.
  • The chontaduro is known by various names depending on the country; In Peru it is known as pijuayo; in Panama as pifá; in Venezuela as piriguao or acana; in Brazil as pupunha; and in Costa Rica and Ecuador they call it pejibaye.
  • Chontaduro has a great source of proteins and amino acids that brings many health benefits.
  • It has healthy fats such as omega 3 and omega 6 polyunsaturated fatty acids.
  • It also has vitamins A, C and D, carbohydrates and minerals such as iron, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium.
  • One of the great benefits for which chontaduro is known is for being a good aphrodisiac.
  • Thanks to its various components, this food can also help care for the skin, improve vision and even help some functions of the digestive system.
Palabras Claves chontaduro juice

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