Legend of the Christ of the Expiration of the Church of Santo Domingo de Cartagena

Leyenda Cristo de la Expiración de la Iglesia de Santo Domingo de Cartagena de Indias, Colombia.
Sculpture of the Christ of the Expiration of the Church of Santo Domingo in Cartagena de Indias, Colombia.

Legend has it that in Cartagena de Indias, in the Church and Convent of Santo Domingo, hay una escultura en madera conocida como “Cristo de la expiración” que tiene una historia muy interesante.

They say that one day a mysterious man came to the church and told the father in charge of it that he had been hired to make the wooden sculpture of a Christ, the father received him and asked him what he needed to do his work. The sculptor answered that it was a trunk.

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The father went for a walk on the beach and found a log, which he took to the sculptor, but he told him that the log was very small; Then the father returned to the beach and threw him into the sea again. The next day, the father went out to the beach again and found the same trunk but it was larger and he took it again to the sculptor, but he rejected it, saying that the trunk did not have the necessary width. Again the father returned to the beach and threw him into the sea. The next day the father went for a walk to the beach and found the same trunk but, this time it was wider, he picked it up and took it to the sculptor.

(You may be interested in: Plaza de Santo Domingo – Cartagena de Indias)

Al presentárselo al escultor este le dijo que era perfecto y que comenzaría a trabajar enseguida; el misterioso escultor se encerró por días en una habitación de la cual no salía, la comida se la daban por debajo de la puerta, después de cierto tiempo el padre ya no escuchaba ningún ruido en aquel lugar, así que preocupado de que le hubiese pasado algo al señor decidió derribar la puerta; al hacerlo se dio cuenta de que había una hermosa escultura de un Cristo hecha en madera sobre una mesa, pero de aquel misterioso escultor no había rastro.

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