Legend of the Cucacuy

leyenda del Cucacuy
legend of Cucacuy (Photo: El Rincón Colombiano)

The legend of the cucacuy tells the story of a ghost in the shape of a man who wanders naked along the sidewalks of Boyacá and Cundinamarca, frightening the peasants.

According to legend, the cucacuy is a man-shaped being that appears naked at night in places where there are grills, ovens or bonfires to warm itself. It has a long baton or staff (staff) on which it can mount and move from one place to another. From one place to another, this staff has at the end a calabash in which it has locked up several demons that it can release and relock at will and with which it terrorizes its victims.

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The cucacuy also has a very long nail with a hole on its thumb with which it can whistle in a special way. This whistle usually causes fear among Valletenza peasants when they hear it.

This being especially likes the lands where the sugar cane and the panela grinding, he likes to climb the bowers of the mills (Sugar cane mills) to keep warm, especially during winter nights when it is coldest, he hates when hot honey is thrown at him, so when this happens it causes havoc.

This creature usually kidnaps young and virgin women, which it locks inside its dungeon. It is said that when it found a house where young women lived, it would lie in wait for several days until they were alone to enter their room and take them.

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It is said that due to fear of the cucacuy, women of the time lost their virginity and did not dare to go to the bathroom alone, which is why they were always accompanied. In this region it is said that this was the reason why a woman always went to the bathroom. accompanied bath.

It is said that this creature is the lost soul of an unbaptized man who made a pact with the devil in order to obtain wealth.

Origin of the cucacuy legend

The legend of the cucacuy has its origin in the Valletenza culture (Boyacá and Cundinamarca), it is said that this being was born from the greed of a man who made a pact with the devil in order to obtain riches and died without being baptized. A historical reference that exists with reference to cocacuy comes from the judge Juan de Valcárcel who paid a visit to the Province of Tunja between 1635 and 1636 and described that in the area there was the presence of cocacuyes those who carried out native religious practices, Valcácel describes them as witches who stole from houses and left deadly herbs on the doors.

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It should be taken into account that legends and myths mostly have their origin in the search to explain phenomena that during ancient times did not have a clear explanation, also as a way of instilling moral lessons through fear, in this legend by For example, several characteristics are noted, the immorality of public nudity, the danger of a woman living alone and not losing her virginity.

Where does the cucacuy usually appear?

The Cucacuy usually makes appearances throughout the territory of the Tenza Valley (Cundinamarca and Boyacá), especially in places where sugar cane is grown and panela is milled, because it likes the heat generated by the stoves used in these places.

It also usually appears where there are grills and campfires; and inside the stoves inside the houses.

What does the cucacuy look like?

The cucacuy is described as a very handsome man who appears naked, has a staff which has at one of its ends a tied gourd in which he encloses demons; It also has a long nail with a hole in the thumb with which it whistles.

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Some often say that he has the appearance of a thin and very hairy old man, but in most cases he is said to be handsome.

How to defend yourself from cucacuy?

The best defense against the cucacuy is not to leave the stoves on, also to avoid leaving young women alone if they are still virgins, since it only attacks virgin women, it will not attack if the young women are accompanied.

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