Legend of the bad chicken or evil chicken

Leyenda del pollo malo o pollo maligno
Legend of the bad chicken or evil chicken. Photo: El Rincón Colombiano.

Legend has it that the bad chicken either evil chicken It is a horror that usually appears in the fields and roads of the Huila, and that its appearance is an omen of death and bad luck.

According to legend, during the nights when men usually meet with their friends to play cards, tell jokes, drink alcohol or flirt with women, a horror known as the bad chicken or devil's chicken usually appears.

This horror in most cases has been described as an invisible being whose only sound is heard, which whenever heard is an announcement of death, it is said that if its song is high-pitched it means the death of a child ( a) but if its song is loud it is the announcement of the death of an adult, this specter hates when someone attacks or imitates its song, that is why if it hears someone imitate it when it appears it usually lets its misfortune fall on this person.

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It is also said that if in the middle of the road you hear its song very close it means that it is very far away, but if you hear its song very far away it means that it is very close and you should try to escape as soon as possible, in the same way if you hear the song In front of you you must avoid at all costs following your path and better return because if you continue forward he will let his misfortunes fall on you.

Some claim to have come face-to-face with this horror and have described it as a bird with the wings of a vulture, the head of a bat and the combs of a rooster.

Origin of the legend of the bad chicken

The origin of the bad chicken could well be much further away than most imagine, this being is usually considered one of the Colombian basilisks, which is a creature from Greek mythology, initially it was described as a large snake that killed with its gaze, but with the passage of time and the appropriation of the legend in various places in Europe its characteristics changed, describing it in the end as a rooster with the body of a toad and the tail of a snake in most of the cases. cases.

Although the characteristics of this basilisk are not entirely the same as those of the bad chicken, there is no certainty that this is its appearance since in the most popular legend and the one with the most records it is described as an invisible creature, And taking into account that with the arrival of the Spanish conquistadors to America, they also brought a large part of their culture, it is likely that this legend has arrived with them to the new world.

(Read Also: Legend of the Colombian Basilisk, an evil bird or a giant snake?)

Another very possible origin of the legend is its instructive nature, this creature punishes anyone who it considers acts badly, whether it is an unfaithful, alcoholic, inveterate or disrespectful gambler, which is why it could have arisen to generate fear about these things. bad actions.

Other Versions of the legend of the Bad Chicken

In addition to the already mentioned versions of the origin of the European basilisk, there are other similar creatures mentioned in various places in America, highlighting the Chilean version in which this bird that is half chicken and half reptile can kill a person with its gaze.

In Caquetá and other places it is known as the wind chicken.

What does Pollo Malo look like?

In most legends it is said that it is invisible, so knowing its size and appearance is really very difficult, but in some versions that have emerged from the spread of the legend throughout the territory it has been described as a bird with wings of vulture, bat's head and rooster's combs.

Where does the Evil Chicken appear?

In Colombia, the Evil Chicken usually appears mostly in the fields, lonely roads and forests of Huila, Valle del Cauca, Tolima and Caquetá.

How to protect yourself from Bad Chicken?

In the legend of the devil's chicken, it is recommended that when this being appears, the best thing to do is to flee immediately since it usually gets angrier if you try to pray to it or do some other action. If it decides to do something to defend itself, it causes you to get lost in the I walk without you realizing it.

(Read Also: Leyenda de la Manca rita, ¿un espíritu devora niños o una chismosa inofensiva?)

In other versions of the legend it is said that the following prayer to the archangel Michael usually scares him: “Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in the fight, be our protection against the perversity and the snares of the devil. Prince of the heavenly host, with the power that God has conferred on you, cast Satan and the other evil spirits that roam the world for the perdition of souls into hell.”

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