Sancocho vallenato recipe
Sancocho vallenato, is the vallenato dish par excellence, this sancocho made from beef ribs has become one of the most popular dishes to consume after a vallenato party; Learn in this simple recipe how to prepare sancocho vallenato quickly and easily.
- 6 pounds beef ribs
- 2 pounds of cassava
- 6 green bananas
- 6 green bananas
- 2 pounds yam
- 2 pounds malanga (mafafa or bore)
- 2 pounds of arracacha
- 4 pounds of ahuyama
- 8 cobs
- 3 slices of long onion or chives
- cilantro
- salt to taste
- cumin to taste
Step by step preparation
- First of all, all the ingredients must be prepared, washing with plenty of water, peeling and cutting the cassava, bananas, green bananas, yams, arracacha and ahuyama.
- Then proceed to place 1 slice of long onion or chives in a pot with water and salt. When it starts to boil, add the rib, previously decompressed, and then cover the pot.
- Once the meat has softened a little, remove the foam that it releases during cooking, and proceed to add the cassava, bananas, bananas, yams, malanga, arracacha, ahuyama, the cobs, the 2 remaining slices of chives, as well as salt, cumin and coriander to taste. Stir everything constantly until the vegetables are soft.
Interesting Facts
- If you cannot find beef ribs, you can use other cuts or use other meats such as goat, chicken or salted meat.
- One of the most traditional ways to serve this dish is in a totumo container and with a totuma spoon.
- Vallenato is one of the most indigenous and popular music in Colombia, which is why this dish is very special.
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