Mullet rice

Arroz de Lisa colombia
Lisa's rice Colombian recipe
Arroz de Lisa colombia

Lisa Rice Recipe

The Mullet rice es una de las muestras gastronómicas más populares del departamento del atlántico, especialmente de la ciudad de barranquilla, Colombia; esta hecho a base de lebranche (lisa). Aquí aprenderás a preparar el Arroz de lisa paso a paso y de forma rápida y sencilla.
COOKING TIME 30 minutes
TOTAL TIME 40 minutes
category Rice, Seafood
cuisine Caribbean, Colombian, Latin American
Portions 4 people


  • 1 hand of smooth (4 fish)
  • 1 pound of rice
  • 1 tablespoon of oil
  • 1 bigheaded onion
  • 2 slices of long onion or chives
  • 2 mature tomatoes
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • Salt (al gusto)
  • color (al gusto)
  • parsley (al gusto)
  • cilantro (picado)

Step by step preparation

  • First of all you must prepare all the ingredients; If the smooth ones you use are dry, you should leave them for 1 hour in cold water with a teaspoon of salt, this is so that they hydrate and remove the concentration of salt they have.
  • Then finely chop the big onion, the chives or long onion and the cilantro and reserve them for when you are going to use them.
  • You should put the mullet over low heat in a pot with enough water for around 10 minutes with seasonings to taste; Once the time has passed, remove them from the heat and let them cool for a few minutes. Shred the fish and remove the bones.
  • Separately, you must prepare the stew with the tablespoon of oil, the big onion, the long onion or chives, the previously chopped tomatoes; Additionally, add crushed garlic, salt, cumin, color and parsley to taste.
  • A este guiso se añaden las lisas desmenuzadas y el arroz lavado, y se sofríe todo por unos minutos, añadiendo luego las 6 tazas del caldo donde se cocinaron los pescados, o de agua; se mezcla todo muy bien y se tapa la olla, se debe dejar cocinar a fuego lento hasta que el arroz seque.

Interesting Facts

  • Lebranche is an important source of protein, fat, calcium and phosphorus.
  • On the Caribbean coast, especially in the Atlantic where this is a traditional dish, it is usually accompanied with a clean bun sprinkled with cilantro.
Palabras Claves Colombian rice, Lisa Rice

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