achira biscuits

Bizcocho de achira receta colombiana
achira cake colombian recipe
Bizcocho de achira receta colombiana

Achira sponge cake recipe

Achiras sponge cakes are a delicious culinary specialty that originates from the Andean region of Colombia. These cakes are characterized by their crunchy texture and distinctive flavor, which combines salty and soft in a unique way. Learn here how to prepare achira cakes quickly and easily.
COOKING TIME 10 minutes
TOTAL TIME 20 minutes
category Sandwich or Pasaboca
cuisine Colombian, Latin American


  • 2 pounds curd cheese fresh
  • 1 pound achira starch
  • 2 eggs (yolks)
  • ¼ pound of melted butter, cold.

Step by step preparation

  • Place all the ingredients in a container and mix them very well in order to create a dough.
  • Once the dough is very consistent, let it rest a little.
  • Then you must form the biscuits with your hands, which are around 5cm long and 1½ cm wide.
  • Once you have all the biscuits made, place them on a greased tin and place them in the oven previously preheated to 400° Celsius, for about 10 minutes (baking will depend on your oven, there are less powerful ones in which case you can bake them at 200 ° centigrade for about 20 minutes or until you notice that they are golden brown).
  • And ready.

Interesting Facts

  • The achira is also known as saga or chisgua in Colombia.
  • Achira biscuits have become an industrially produced product that is even sold internationally.
  • Achira flour is produced from a plant of South American origin called “Canna indica”; This plant was a common food of the Chibcha indigenous culture in Colombia and also of the indigenous culture of Peru.
  • The Achiras Cakes are just like the shortbread biscuits and the curd biscuits one of the most popular snacks in Huila.
Palabras Claves achira biscuits

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