Cob Bun (Corn)

Bollo de mazorca maiz receta colombiana
Corn cob bun Colombian recipe

El Bollo de Mazorca o Maíz es un envuelto hecho a base de maíz, este alimento es de origen indígena, es un alimento típico de países como Colombia, Panamá, Venezuela y Ecuador, En Colombia se consume principalmente en la costa caribe y es muy popular para los desayunos.

Bollo de mazorca maiz receta colombiana

Corn Cob Bun Recipe

Aprende en esta sencilla receta como hacer un rico bollo de mazorca o maíz de forma fácil y rápida.
COOKING TIME 45 minutes
TOTAL TIME 1 hour 5 minutes
category Buns, Wrapped
cuisine Caribbean, Colombian, Indigenous, Latin American
Portions 12 buns


  • 12 cobs
  • Salt (al gusto)
  • Sugar (al gusto)
  • Ameros (corn cob gophers)
  • Majagua (whistle or string)

Step by step preparation

  • The first thing you do is wash the cobs and then proceed to shell them with the help of a knife. Once you have removed all the corn from the cobs, you proceed to grind them (if you do not have a mill you can blend them, remember that you should not use water when liquefying it).
  • A la mezcla resultante se le añadirá el azúcar, se le debe añadir dependiendo de su gusto, si le gustan dulces le puede añadir unas 3 o 4 cucharadas grandes de azúcar y un poquito de sal, si no le gustan tan dulces si no mas bien saladitos, puede reducir la cantidad de azúcar y añadir un poco más de sal, luego mezcla muy bien todo.
  • Then he will proceed to assemble the buns, he takes a gopher and bends the tip forming a kind of container with it and there he will place the mixture, then he takes another gopher and places it on top of the opening of the first, he bends the tips so that it does not spills, then with the rope proceed to tie them well.
  • Once they are well assembled, proceed to place them to cook in a pot with a lot of water, they must be submerged, you will let them cook for about 40 minutes to 1 hour depending on the heat of your stove.
  • And that's it, traditionally on the coast they are usually served accompanied by Coastal cheese either coastal serum.

Interesting Facts

  • In the municipality of Ponedera – Atlántico, the Bun and Fried Festival is held every year in which a wide variety of recipes with buns and fried foods are exhibited.
  • Buns have their origin in the indigenous cultures of South America, they are a typical food from countries such as Colombia, Venezuela, Panama and Ecuador.
  • In addition to the cob bun, there are also buns made of: Yucca, clean, banana, coconut, millet, angelito, sweet potato and flour.
  • On the Colombian coast, buns are a very popular breakfast food.
Photo: radionational
Palabras Claves Bollo, Bollo de Mazorca

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