Jugo de Naidí o Acaí

Jugo de Naidí receta colombiana
Naidí juice

The jugo de Naidí o Acaí es una deliciosa y refrescante bebida hecha a base de Naidí un fruto proveniente de una palma originaria de América del Sur, en Colombia esta bebida es muy popular en la región del pacifico.

The naidí o Acaí como se le conoce en Brasil es rico en vitaminas A, B, C, calcio, hierro, ácido aspártico, ácido glutámico y fitoesteroles, además es una excelente fuente de fibras, aminoácidos y ácidos grasos insaturados, como omega 9, omega 6 y omega 3; gracias a todas estas propiedades es considerado un super alimento.

(Conozca también: Receta de Jugo de arazá)

Aquí te enseñaremos el paso a paso de cómo preparar un delicioso Jugo de Acaí o Naidí al estilo colombiano, para que puedas compartir con amigos y familiares.

Jugo de Naidí receta colombiana

Naidí or Acai Juice Recipe

Aprende en esta sencilla receta como preparar el jugo de Naidí o Jugo de Acaí de forma fácil y rápida.
category Beverages, Juices
cuisine Colombian, Latin American
Portions 5 people


  • 1 kilo Naidi
  • ½ liter Milk
  • Sugar (al gusto)
  • 1 liter Water

Step by step preparation

  • The first thing to do is wash the naidí, then place it in warm water (it is important that it is not too hot because it will damage the naidí) for around 30 minutes to 1 hour, so that the shell loosens.
  • Then the water is removed and only a little is left. With the help of a grinder, the naidís are going to be crushed in order to remove the shell and leave the pulp and seeds; (You can also do the process with your hands).
  • Then proceed to add a little more water and then sift with a strainer to remove the seeds and leave the water with the pulp.
  • Then it continues to be blended together with the milk and sugar.
  • And ready you can proceed to serve it, it is usually served cold.

Interesting Facts

  • Naidí is the fruit of a palm called Euterpe oleracea.
  • Naidí is rich in vitamins A, B, C, calcium, iron, aspartic acid, glutamic acid and phytosterols, and is also an excellent source of fiber, amino acids and unsaturated fatty acids, such as omega 9, omega 6 and omega 3; Thanks to all these properties it is considered a super food.
  • In the Amazon region of Brazil, naidí is known as acaí.
  • Naidí is also consumed in a preparation called pepiado de Naidí.
Palabras Claves Acai Juice, Naidí Juice

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