Legend of the Water Mother

Leyenda de la madre de aguas colombia
Legend of the mother of water. Photo: El Rincón Colombiano.

The legend of the Mother of Water It is about a spectrum in the shape of a beautiful woman, with blonde hair, that appears in the rivers, lakes and lagoons of Colombia.

The legend relates that in the rivers, ravines, lakes, lagoons and springs The Mother of Waters usually appears, a kind of nymph who has the appearance of a young and beautiful woman with blonde hair and large, blue and hypnotic eyes.

It is said that this creature has its feet upside down, which is why many people are confused when they see its footprints since they think they are moving away but in reality they are approaching it. The river mother, as it is also known in some parts, likes attract children and young people, it is said that with her hypnotic voice and her beautiful eyes she enchants the children who begin to dream and hallucinate with her, due to this many of them go into the river in search of the young woman who calls them and they end up drowned.

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The young people who have managed to save themselves from the spell of the mother of water report that they saw a beautiful woman or girl surrounded by corals, gold fish and precious stones; some of them are left with a fever or lose their sanity due to the experience.

In some stories it is said that the mother of water devours her victims in caves or palaces under the rivers.

Other versions of the legend

Depending on the region or place where one is, you will always find different nuances in each legend, and the legend of the Mother of Water is no exception, in some versions she is called mother of the river.

Some stories also say that in reality the mother of water is an old and ugly woman instead of the beautiful young woman that is always said to be and in some versions they describe her as a woman full of moss and algae.

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There is also a version where Mother Water was the daughter of a Spanish conquistador who falls in love with a chief with whom she has a son, but they all die because of the young woman's father. This version is more recent and has become more popular in more current than the original version.

In other countries such as Cuba there is a being called mother of water, unlike the Colombian version, this creature is a giant snake that lives near rivers and can live for hundreds of years. In Argentina there is also a story of a young woman called mother of water who She appears combing her hair with a gold comb, it is said that she attracts luck to whoever sees her.

Origin of the legend of the Water Mother

There is no complete clarity about the origin of the legend, like many myths and legends, these are cultural and oral expressions that have been transmitted from generation to generation and that were born as a way of generating a moral lesson in the majority of people. cases or to explain phenomena that were not understandable during past times.

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In this case, for example, it could be presumed that the aim was to keep children away from the danger of rivers and lakes. Some also comment that it could be a legend associated with the passage of children into adolescence.

What does the Mother of Water look like?

She is described in most stories as an extremely beautiful young woman, with a slender and statuesque body, with blonde hair, blue or greenish eyes and with her feet upside down like the little mancarita.

Where does the Mother of Water usually appear?

The legend of the mother of water usually has a greater presence in places such as: Antioquia, Tolima, Choco and Magdalena middle.

The apparitions are always around water sources, especially the most crystalline ones, such as rivers, springs, streams, lagoons, lakes, etc.

How to protect yourself from the Mother of Water?

The elders say that the best way to protect children from the charm of mother water is to pray to them; Likewise, prevent them from approaching rivers and places where there is a lot of water alone; It is because of them that many farmers in the regions where it usually appears tend to be very cautious when taking their children near rivers.

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