Legend of Lonely Soul or Anima Sola

Leyenda del Anima Sola
Legend of Lonely Soul or Anima Sola. Photo: El Rincón Colombiano.

The ánima sola is one on the most popular and important legend of Latin America, is about the lost soul of a woman who was condemned to purgatory for refusing to give water to Jesus Christ during the crucifixion.

The anima sola is closely linked to the catholic faith, a pesar de que la iglesia católica no ha reconocido la fe hacia esta figura existen muchos devotos que le piden favores y realizan oraciones para pedir milagros o para solicitar maldiciones. Existen muchas historias y leyendas relacionadas con la figura del ánima sola, la versión más antigua y esparcida sobre esta criatura proviene de los tiempos de Cristo.

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According to legend Celestina Abdenago, is condemned to suffer until the end of time, because she belonged to the pious women of Jerusalem who had the job of assisting those condemned to crucifixion by giving them fresh water to drink, on Good Friday, the day Christ died, it was the task of matchmaker to give them fresh water.

Celestina went up to Calvary with a jug of water to give to the martyrs on the scaffold, she gave it to drink Dimas and Gestas, the two thieves who were convicted along with Jesus Christ, but out of fear of the Jews she did not want to give Jesus a drink, so she was condemned to suffer thirst and the constant heat of the flames of purgatory.

Otras versiones de la leyenda del Ánima Sola

Due to the great extension of the legend around the world, especially in Latin America, many versions and stories have been created around the figure of this horror.

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En Colombia uno de los relatos más populares sobre el Ánima Sola cuenta que una señora muy devota del culto a las animas le pidió a esta favores para solucionar las dificultades que enfrentaba, tras sus rezos y encender la tradicional vela ligada a la petición pudo ver como su dificultad fue superada.

However, the lady forgot the fact that every favor that is asked of the souls must be paid and one of the conditions is to always light a candle asking for the forgiveness of the souls in purgatory. One night the lady forgot to light the candle. That day he felt a knock on his door very late at night, when he saw that it was a friend he hadn't seen in a long time so he invited her in. When she entered the house she transformed into a giant shadow with chains and wrapped in the fire of purgatory, this shadow warned her about the consequences of not paying the favors that the souls had done them, the lady ran out and took a candle and lit it asking for forgiveness, the shadow left the house among the strident noise of the chains, From that moment on, the lady never forgot to light the candle and pray for the souls.

As it is, there are many stories and legends that talk about how people ask favors from the souls in purgatory, especially Celestina Abdénago, and how they issue warnings through scares when the promise is not fulfilled. There are also other versions that report that the anima alone guides people to treasures and treasures.

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Another version related to the crucifixion of Jesus Christ relates that when Jesus He was on his way to Mount Calvary, carrying the Cross, and fell in front of a woman's house due to fatigue. He asked for some water so he could continue, but the woman instead of water gave him vinegar, which caused everyone to laugh. Jesus looked at her with compassion, but due to her act of evil she was cursed. It is said that after being condemned to purgatory, the Archangel Saint Michael placed shackles with chains on her for all eternity.

Otros nombres por los cuales se le conoce al ánima sola son: Helpless Soul, Wandering Soul either Soul of Calvary.

Origin of the legend of Anima Sola

The legend of the anima sola has its origin in the Catholic faith, more specifically in the events that occurred during the crucifixion of Christ where a woman refused to give him water to drink and was condemned.

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This legend is brought to Latin America during colonization from the mouths of the conquerors. A tradition that arises from the cult of souls is the animer, a person who guides the souls in purgatory and asks for prayers for their eternal rest.

¿En qué lugares aparece el Ánima Sola?

En Colombia la leyenda del anima sola se encuentra esparcida por todo el territorio nacional, los departamentos donde más suele relatarse esta historia son: Antioquia, Caldas, Choco y Arauca.

Algo especial que sucede en Antioquia y Caldas es que se reza la novena al Ánima sola, ya que se dice que da buena suerte y cuida la casa. Esta leyenda se encuentra presente en toda Latinoamérica, así como en España y otros lugares del Mundo.

¿Cómo luce el Ánima Sola?

The anima alone has the appearance of a young woman, with long black hair, dressed in white, who has chains in her hands and is covered by the flames of purgatory.

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In some stories it is said that it is often followed by various lights that are the souls of others condemned to purgatory.

How to protect yourself from Anima Sola?

The most effective way to protect yourself from anima sola is to avoid invoking it or asking it for favors. If for some reason you dare to do so, you must keep the promise made to light the candle and pray for its eternal rest.

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