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La leyenda de el patetarro

Legend of the Patetarro

Legend has it that Patetarro was a bad-tempered, quarrelsome, womanizing man in life who used to be involved in machete fights very often; One day during one of those fights he was seriously injured in one of his legs.
leyenda colombiana del Mohán o poira

El Mohán, leyenda colombiana

El Mohán es una de las leyendas más importantes de la mitología de Colombia, según la leyenda este ser habita cerca a los ríos, tiene la apariencia de un hombre corpulento y con abundante cabellera y gusta de secuestrar mujeres jóvenes que van a lavar a las orillas de los ríos.
Leyenda papa mírame el diente

Caption: “Dad, look at my Tooth”

Legend has it that there was once a peasant who used to work late on his farm, one day he was later than usual and midnight caught him halfway along the road, while he was traveling on his horse he heard the cry of a child, which surprised him a little, the peasant thought it must be just his imagination so he continued on his way.
Kaliawirinae o Kalivirnae-El árbol de la vida (mito sikuani)

Kaliawirinae, the myth of the food tree (Sikuani)

The Myth of Kaliawirinae or Kalivirnae the tree of life, is a story that is part of the mythology of the Guahíbos or Sikuani and tells the story of how fruits and foods were obtained and how they began to be cultivated.
Leyenda de la Calle de la Sierpe, Getsemaní, Cartagena de indias, Colombia.

Legend of the giant snake of Calle de la Sierpe

Legend has it that very often the inhabitants of Calle de la Sierpe heard at night a noise like something large crawling on the ground and like snake rattles.
leyenda del Hombre Caimán

Legend of the Alligator Man

La leyenda del hombre caimán relata la historia de un hombre llamado Saúl, que vivía en el Plato, Magdalena (Colombia); este hombre quedo transformado en un caimán con cabeza de hombre, al usar brujería para espiar a las mujeres en el río mientras se bañaban.
Mito de madre bachue

Myth of Bachué: The progenitor goddess of humanity (Muiscas)

The Myth of Mother Bachué is one of the most important myths in the worldview of the Muisca people (chibchas). This myth tells us how Bachué, together with her husband, gave rise to humanity when they emerged from the Iguaque lagoon, which is located in the municipality of Chíquiza in the department of Boyacá, Colombia.
leyenda del fruto del árbol de pan san Andrés

Legend of the Tree of Bread

La leyenda sobre el origen del árbol de pan cuenta que hubo una época de gran hambruna propiciada por la ocurrencia de devastadores huracanes en el océano Pacífico, fue en ese momento cuando un habitante de la isla, un hombre mayor y sabio llevo a sus hijos a las afueras del pueblo.
Leyendas del señor caído de Monserrate

Legends of the fallen lord of Monserrate

There are several legends surrounding the figure of the fallen lord of Monserrate, some claim that his hair grows or that he becomes heavier than normal.
Leyenda de la mano peluda

Legend of the Hairy Hand

The Hairy Hand is a horror that usually appears in areas of Boyacá, Caldas and Antioquia. It is characterized by attacking children who wake up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom.