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leyenda del fruto del árbol de pan san Andrés

Legend of the Tree of Bread

La leyenda sobre el origen del árbol de pan cuenta que hubo una época de gran hambruna propiciada por la ocurrencia de devastadores huracanes en el océano Pacífico, fue en ese momento cuando un habitante de la isla, un hombre mayor y sabio llevo a sus hijos a las afueras del pueblo.
Leyenda de la sayona

Legend of Sayona, the terror of the infidels

Legend has it that Sayona was in life a tall, elegant woman, with long black hair and very beautiful named Casilda, who lived in the plains region during the time of the Colony. Casilda had married a man named Severiano. with whom he had a son.
leyenda de la calle tumbamuertos de Cartagena

Legend of Tumbamuertos Street in Cartagena

The legend of the street of tumbamuertos tells the story of a strange spirit that had fun knocking the dead out of their coffin when they passed through this street.
mohán de la Calle de Gastelbondo de Cartagena

Leyenda del mohán de la Calle de Gastelbondo de Cartagena

La calle gastelbondo es otra de las particulares calles del centro de Cartagena que posee misterios y leyendas, se dice que en este lugar habitaba un mohán.
Leyenda del pollo malo o pollo maligno

Legend of the bad chicken or evil chicken

Legend has it that the bad chicken or evil chicken is a horror that usually appears in the fields and roads of Huila, and that its appearance is an omen of death and bad luck.
Festival de verano de cumaribo vichada

Cumaribo-Vichada Summer Festival

The Cumaribo-Vichada Summer Festival began in 2013, it takes place in the months of February to March in the Playa Bonita sector; It is an event that enjoys great local and departmental popularity and usually receives visitors from the entire region of the Colombian eastern plains; in addition to being the platform for the realization of the “Chica Rio Vichada” reign.
leyenda del Cucacuy

Legend of the Cucacuy

La leyenda del cucacuy relata la historia de un espectro con forma de hombre que deambula desnudo por las veredas de Boyacá y Cundinamarca, atemorizando a los campesinos.
Mito del Origen o Nacimiento del Sol y la Luna de Indígenas Arhuacos

Myth of the Origin of the Sun and the Moon (Arhuacos)

An ancient Arhuaco myth tells that the origin of the Sun and the Moon occurred when the world was still young and everything was in darkness, it was then when a beautiful Arhuaco indigenous woman gave birth to twins, a boy and a girl who named Yui and Tima. respectively.
Leyenda de la torre de la iglesia de Santo Domingo de Cartagena

Legend: The devil and the tower of the Church of Santo Domingo in Cartagena

According to an old colonial legend from Cartagena de Indias, the devil, enraged by the proliferation of temples in worship of God, tried to frustrate the completion of the Church and convent of Santo Domingo.
Ferias Festivales y Fiestas de Vichada

Festivals, Fairs, and Festivals of Vichada

Find out here each and every one of the Festivals, Fairs, Parties and Events that take place in the Department of Vichada.