
Receta de Bami
Receta de Bami (Foto: eltoquecolombiano)
Receta de Bami

Bami's recipe

Bami is a very typical side dish from the coastal areas of Colombia, especially the San Andrés Islands, it is a preparation very similar to the traditional Casabe; It is usually used as an accompaniment to many foods, this simple and quick recipe will teach you how to prepare it.
COOKING TIME 20 minutes
TOTAL TIME 35 minutes
category Companions
cuisine Colombian, Islander, Latin American
Portions 8 people


  • 2 pounds of cassava (bitter or sweet)
  • Grated cheese (optional)
  • Salt

Step by step preparation

  • First, we proceed to remove the peel from the cassava and wash it well; Once it is ready, proceed to grate it.
  • Then you must squeeze the cassava well, you can use a strainer or a canvas (like the fabric used for coffee filters) it must be very dry.
  • Mix the resulting cassava mass with salt and grated cheese.
  • Once you have mixed well, proceed to cook the dough in a pan previously greased with oil. You should cook it in the shape of an arepa. Cook it for about 20 minutes or until it is golden brown on both sides.
  • Once it is ready, let it rest for a while and cut it into triangles.

Interesting Facts

  • As with Casabe, you can use bitter cassava or sweet cassava, the most traditional preparation uses bitter cassava or cassava, but you must make sure to squeeze it very well since bitter cassava has a high amount of cyanide; That is why it is more practical to use sweet cassava.
  • Yuca has attributes that improve the digestive system and relieves constipation.
  • Among other things, Yuca contributes to maintaining your body weight because it has a percentage of fiber that reduces appetite and carbohydrates that are slowly absorbed by the body.
Photo: eltoquecolombiano
Palabras Claves Bami

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