

Los diabolines son un pasaboca de muy popular consumo en la zona norte de la costa caribe de Colombia, especialmente en los municipios de corozal y san juan de Betulia, este alimento esta hecho a base de yuca, queso, leche y huevo.

Diabolines receta colombiana

Diabolines Recipe

Aprende en esta sencilla receta a cómo hacer unos ricos diabolines de forma rápida y sencilla.
COOKING TIME 15 minutes
TOTAL TIME 45 minutes
category Sandwich or Pasaboca
cuisine Caribbean, Colombian, Latin American
Portions 20 devils

Utensilios y Equipos

  • Oven


  • pounds of Coastal cheese
  • 10 pounds cassava starch
  • 8 eggs
  • 6 liters milk
  • ½ pound of butter
  • ½ pound of salt

Step by step preparation

  • First, you proceed to grind the cheese, once you have done so, proceed to mix it with the starch, salt, eggs (previously beaten), butter and milk.
  • Luego amasa bien la mezcla hasta que obtenga una pasta homogénea.
  • Después procede a formar bolitas con la masa y las coloca en una bandeja metálica, separadas las unas de las otras.
  • Proceed to turn on the oven at 350 °F, when it is very hot, place the tray with the diabolines and let them bake for 15 minutes or until you notice that they are very golden brown.
  • Then proceed to remove them from the oven and that's it.

Interesting Facts

  • Diabolín has become a great source of employment for many people in municipalities such as Corozal and San Juan de Betulia, and has become integrated into the gastronomic identity of this area.
  • The diabolín is also known as “Yabolín Sabanero”.
Photo: kikestv
Palabras Claves Diabolines, Yabolin

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