Bizcocho de manteca receta colombiana

Shortbread biscuits

Shortbread sponge cakes are exquisite pastry delights that are distinguished by their soft, spongy and moist texture. They are perfect for breakfast or a snack between meals. Learn here how to prepare shortbread biscuits quickly and easily.
Plátanos calados

Openwork bananas

Opened plantains are a delicious recipe made with ripe banana and panela, this delicious dish can be used as a snack or as a side dish for roasts. Learn in this simple recipe how to make openwork bananas quickly and easily.
Bizcocho de cuajada receta colombiana

Huilense curd biscuits

Los Bizcochos de cuajada Huilense son una deliciosa y tradicional especialidad de la región de Andina, en Colombia. Aprende aquí como preparar los bizcochos de cuajada de forma fácil y rápida.
Receta de almojabanas costeñas

Coastal Almojábanas

Almojábanas costeñas are a delicious and traditional recipe from the coastal region of Colombia. These little bites of cheese bread are famous for their fluffy texture and salty flavor with a hint of sweetness.